At Eureka! we have not lost our sense of wonderment, and enjoy a wide variety of interests. From music to sports to visual arts and street culture. All of these worlds inspire us, and after adding a pinch of California spice, we present the resulting designs to you.
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Eureka! Studio Original Design: Tees
Hank Series 1:
Horseshit Tee
EM-028T : 100% Combed Cotton, Silk screened print, short sleeve, standard tee.
ジョン・アーヴィングやトーマス・ウルフはいけすかない気取った東海岸出身だ。スタッズ・ターケルとは一緒にビールを飲んでみたいが、シカゴの男だしなあ。南カリフォルニアといえば、やっぱりチャールズ ”ハンク” ブコウスキー。この愛すべき飲んだくれの物書きに敬意を表してHank SeriesのTシャツをデザインした。
Eureka! Presents The Hank Series
The East Coast can have John Irving and Thomas Wolfe, and although Studs Terkel is someone we would love to have a beer with, he is Chicago personified. SoCal belongs to Charles "Hank" Bukowski and Eureka! Studio celebrates our favorite literary prizefighter with our Hank Series designs.
Power Tee
EM-028T : 100% Combed Cotton, Silk screened print, short sleeve, standard tee.
エレクトリックな80’からインスパイアされたT。そう、Electric Slide、Electric Boogaloo、Electric Avenue、そしてミッドナイトスターの大ヒットディスコナンバー、『Electricity』!ジップアップフロントのデザインは、80'sスタイルの白い革の細ネクタイだってちら見せだってできちゃう! You got the power!
Inspired by the electric 80's, you know, The Electric Slide, Electric Boogaloo, Electric Avenue, The Midnight Star disco hit "Electricity", and most importantly electronification of design. This era saw the birth of DTP, digital typography and digital imaging. This hoody has a zip front, so people can see your skinny white leather necktie... You got the power!
¥ 3,800 (消費税+送料込)
Last Wave Tee
EM-023T : 100% Combed Cotton, Silk screened print, short sleeve, standard tee.
Homage to one of the great concert films ever, The Last Waltz by Martin Scorsese. A sad farewell concert but, what a way to go out, just like the last wave of the day.
¥ 3,800 (消費税+送料込)
The Greatest Tee
EM-029T : 100% Combed Cotton, Silk screened print, short sleeve, standard tee.
70’sはじめ、若者のハートをガッチリつかんだ「Ali MacGraw」が最新デザインに登場! 東海岸のお嬢様育ちだったアリ。当時、出演作は『さよならコロンバス』『ゲッタウェイ』『ある愛の詩』の3本にしてスターダムに乗り上げた彼女の作品は今でも70’sを代表する映画。彼女の快活で自然な美しさを、南カリフォルニアの砂漠を彷彿させる褐色のトーンで表現したプリントは、あのスティーブン・マックイーンさえも、魅力でK.O.してしまうようなデザインTシャツ!
No disrespect to the former Champ, but the Ali that captured our childhood fantasies in the early 70's inspired our latest design. Though born and bred in the upper crusty East Coast, she embodied a breezy, natural-look beauty. An athletic, tawny figure painted in the desert tones of Southern California. Although her meteoric rise produced only three films, Goodbye, Columbus, The Getaway, and Love Story are consistently at the top of the list of films that define that iconoclastic era.
Plus, anyone able to knock Steve McQueen the fuck out with their beauty, is an undisputed icon, and gets their own Eureka! Studio tee.
Power Tee
EM-028T : 100% Combed Cotton, Silk screened print, short sleeve, standard tee.
エレクトリックな80’からインスパイアされたT。そう、Electric Slide、Electric Boogaloo、Electric Avenue、そしてミッドナイトスターの大ヒットディスコナンバー、『Electricity』!ジップアップフロントのデザインは、80'sスタイルの白い革の細ネクタイだってちら見せだってできちゃう! You got the power!
Inspired by the electric 80's, you know, The Electric Slide, Electric Boogaloo, Electric Avenue, The Midnight Star disco hit "Electricity", and most importantly electronification of design. This era saw the birth of DTP, digital typography and digital imaging. This hoody has a zip front, so people can see your skinny white leather necktie... You got the power!
¥ 3,800 (消費税+送料込)
Coming in
February 2017!!!
Eureka! Studio Original Design: Accessories
Blue Jay Coffee Hut Denim Tote Bag
サイズ:本体/約300 X 190 X 140
容量: 約4ℓ
材質: コットン
Take Blue Jay Coffee around with you wherever you go! Like an old friend, our denim tote bag is soft, comfortable and just feels so good. Make every day a Blue Jay day!
Size: 300mm X 190mm X 140mm
Material: Cotton / Capacity: 4 litres